Seltzer Charles Alden
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Sekuła Aleksandra
Kozioł Paweł
Bekker Alfred
Vandenberg Patricia
Kotwica Wojciech
Seltzer Charles Alden
Doyle Arthur Conan
Kowalska Dorota
Hackett Pete
Wallace Edgar
Buchner Friederike von
Cartland Barbara
Kochanowski Jan
Waidacher Toni
Dickens Charles
Shakespeare William
Maybach Viola
Verne Jules
Konopnicka Maria
Twain Mark
May Karl
Sienkiewicz Henryk
Krzyżanowski Julian
Otwinowska Barbara
London Jack
Mahr Kurt
Boy-Żeleński Tadeusz
Montgomery Lucy Maud
Darlton Clark
Ewers H.G
Leśmian Bolesław
Dönges Günter
Vega Lope de
Barca Pedro Calderón de la
Trzeciak Weronika
Poe Edgar Allan
Stevenson Robert Louis
Krasicki Ignacy
Austen Jane
Francis H.G
Vlcek Ernst
Conrad Joseph
Stefan Zweig
Andersen Hans Christian
Mickiewicz Adam
Barner G.F
Kipling Rudyard
Autores Varios
Chávez José Pérez
Ellmer Arndt
Kühnemann Andreas
Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
Palmer Roy
Wells H. G
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy
Oppenheim E. Phillips
Balzac Honoré de
Voltz William
Dumas Alexandre
Leblanc Maurice
Mark William
Bazán Emilia Pardo
Goliński Zbigniew
May Karol
Hałas Jacek "Stranger"
Baczyński Krzysztof Kamil
Dug Katarzyna
Howard Robert E
Wilde Oscar
Hoffmann Horst
Kafka Franz
Kneifel Hans
Alcott Louisa May
Verne Juliusz
Kobras Beatrice
Kayser-Darius Nina
McMason Fred
Jachowicz Stanisław
Prus Bolesław
Orzeszkowa Eliza
Zola Émile
Haensel Hubert
Rawinis Marian Piotr
King Stephen
Żeromski Stefan
Słowacki Juliusz
Dick Viktor
Scott Walter
Collins Wilkie
Courths-Mahler Hedwig
Suchanek Andreas
Woolf Virginia
Orwell George
Fischer Marie Louise
James Henry
Lech Justyna
Cooper James Fenimore
Anton Uwe
Grey Zane
Summaries Leader
Thurner Michael Marcus
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
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24 wyniki Filtruj
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Drag Harlan is a gunfighter with a fearsome reputation. He is known for his quickness with his guns. A mean, hard country man, he comes quite accidently by a dying man, Morgan. Morgan is cattleman and has left his ranch to his only daughter, Barbara. Seeing honesty in Harlan’s eyes, Morgan asks him to go to his daughter and protect her from fortune hunters. Thereafter Harlan establishes himself as the protector of Barbara Morgan and deals out punishment to the girl’s enemies through the lightning flash of drawn guns. A story filled with hard action, toughened cowboys, and sweeping romance from an American author of Westerns Charles Alden Seltzer who also wrote under the pseudonym Hiram Hopkins.
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Charles Alden Seltzer was one of 20th century America’s most prolific authors, and his specialty was Westerns that were so popular in the country in the decades after the frontier had been completely settled. In addition to the books he wrote, Seltzer would have a role in dozens of films as well, making him one of the most instrumental figures in the genre. „"Firebrand” Trevison” is a story about a ranch owner who runs afoul of a land grabber, both of whom are in love with the same girl, the daughter of a railroad owner. Firebrand Trevison is a different kind of cowboy. He stands up for what he believes in despite the law. When Corrigan tries to swindle all the local homesteaders from their land it’s Treviston who saves the day. Twists and turns in the plot keeps the reader guessing.
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Aż nadejdzie prawo to powieść Charlesa Aldena Seltzera, amerykańskiego pisarza żyjącego i tworzącego na przełomie XIX i XX wieku, specjalizującego się w historiach westernowych. Jego opowiadania były chętnie publikowane w czasopismach, takich jak „Argosy”, „Western Story Magazine” czy „Short Stories”. Opowieść o młodym człowieku przybywającym ze wschodu kraju na zachód ukazała się po raz pierwszy w Stanach Zjednoczonych w 1912 roku. Od tego czasu była wydawana już wielokrotnie – nie tylko po angielsku. Chętnie sięgają po nią tłumacze z całego świata. Nic dziwnego, porusza ona istotne tematy, takie jak praworządność, sprawiedliwość czy zaangażowanie w powierzone zadanie. USA, Dziki Zachód, XIX wiek. Do miasteczka Dry Bottom przybywa nikomu nieznany młodzieniec. Już chwilę po swoim przyjeździe ratuje on z opresji młodą kobietę i śmiało rozprawia się z jej gnębicielem. Co ważne, robi to bez użycia rewolweru. Tak też czyni niejednokrotnie i później, kiedy decyduje się walczyć o sprawiedliwość w okolicy, w której postanowił osiedlić się po śmierci swojego ojca. Ten zostawił mu w spadku ranczo i – ku uciesze młodego mężczyzny – redakcję gazety. Bohater stawia sobie za cel, by wykorzystać ją jako narzędzie walki z miejscowym gangiem złodziei bydła. Czy mu się to uda? Aż nadejdzie prawo to niewątpliwie klasyka gatunku. Szlachetna walka ze złem, kult pracy, a do tego historia miłosna w tle – to wszystko sprawia, że opowieść o młodzieńcu ze Wschodu rozpoczynającym nowe życie na Zachodzie wciąga już od pierwszej strony… i to nie tylko miłośników westernów. Warto sprawdzić i przekonać się samemu! Seria wydawnicza Wydawnictwa JAMAKASZ „Biblioteka Andrzeja – Szlakiem Przygody” to seria, w której publikowane są tłumaczenia powieści należące do szeroko pojętej literatury przygodowej, głównie pisarzy francuskich z XIX i początków XX wieku, takich jak Louis-Henri Boussenard, Paul d’Ivoi, Gustave Aimard, Arnould Galopin, Aleksander Dumas ojciec czy Michel Zévaco, a także pisarzy angielskich z tego okresu, jak choćby Zane Grey czy Charles Seltzer lub niemieckich, jak Karol May. Celem serii jest popularyzacja nieznanej lub mało znanej w Polsce twórczości bardzo poczytnych w swoim czasie autorów, przeznaczonej głównie dla młodzieży. Seria ukazuje się od 2015 roku. Wszystkie egzemplarze są numerowane i opatrzone podpisem twórcy i redaktora serii.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "CHARLES ALDEN SELTZER - Premium Collection: 12 Western Classics in One Volume" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Charles Alden Seltzer (1875-1942) was a prolific American author of western novels. He wrote his westerns from the experience of living on his uncle's ranch in New Mexico. Seltzer's best works include The Two-Gun Man, The Boss of the Lazy Y, Drag Harlan and West. Many of his novels were turned into Hollywood movies. Content: The Two-Gun Man The Coming of the Law The Trail to Yesterday The Boss of the Lazy Y The Range Boss "Firebrand" Trevison The Ranchman The Trail Horde "Beau" Rand "Drag" Harlan Square Deal Sanderson West!
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Welcome to the Essential Western Novels book series, where you will find a selection of endless tales about deadly shootouts, gunslingers seeking revenge, love stories with beautiful women, in peril, and of course, cowboys and their trusty steeds.For this book, the literary critic August Nemo has chosen the 5 novels by authors who created memorable stories that shaped the foundations of Western fiction.This book contains the following novels:- The Outlet by Andy Adams.- Starr, of the Desert by B. M Bower.- The Trail Horde by Charles Alden Seltzer.- The Short Cut by Jackson Gregory.- A Texas Ranger by William MacLeod Raine.If you appreciate good books, be sure to check out the other Tacet Books titles!
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Firebrand Trevison to powieść autorstwa Charlesa Aldena Seltzera, uznanego za jednego z najbardziej aktywnych pisarzy amerykańskich XX wieku. Jego specjalnością były westerny, które tworzył, inspirowany własnymi doświadczeniami z życia w Nowym Meksyku. Pod jego nazwiskiem wydano ponad czterdzieści tytułów, a jego opowiadania chętnie publikowano w czasopismach takich jak „Argosy”, „Blue Book” czy „Adventure”. Jego dzieła niejednokrotnie były przenoszone na ekrany. Firebrand Trevision, Riddle Gawne, Silver Spurs czy Roughshod to tylko kilka z tych, które dotychczas zostały zekranizowane. Firebrand Trevison to także przydomek głównego bohatera książki, właściciela rancza mieszczącego się w okolicy nowo powstałego miasteczka Manti. Do tegoż miasta przybywa Rosalind Benham, córka prezesa kolei. Odwiedza Zachód wraz ze swoją ciotką Agathą, pełniącą rolę przyzwoitki, oraz reprezentantem interesów rodziny, Jeffersonem Corriganem. Zauroczona pięknem krainy, nie zauważa, że jej towarzyszowi przyświeca niecny cel. Pragnie on zagarnąć tamtejsze ziemie i się na nich wzbogacić. Na drodze staje mu jednak Brand Trevison, który okazuje się jego przeciwnikiem także w staraniach o względy Rosalind. Konflikt między mężczyznami staje się coraz bardziej zaogniony. Oboje działają poza prawem – jeden, chcąc czynić dobro, drugi, knując i planując kolejne intrygi. Któremu z nich uda się zwyciężyć? Który z nich zdobędzie serce wymarzonej dziewczyny i zdobędzie tak bardzo pożądane ziemie? Odpowiedzią na te pytania jest lektura powieści Trevison Firebrand, historii porywającej i ekscytującej, która z każdą kolejną stroną coraz bardziej wprowadza czytelnika w klimat Dzikiego Zachodu. Starcie dobra ze złem, romans z licznymi matactwami w tle oraz wątek urbanistyczny – wszystko to składa się na klasyczny western, którego Ch. A. Seltzer był niewątpliwym mistrzem. Seria wydawnicza Wydawnictwa JAMAKASZ „Biblioteka Andrzeja – Szlakiem Przygody” to seria, w której publikowane są tłumaczenia powieści należące do szeroko pojętej literatury przygodowej, głównie pisarzy francuskich z XIX i początków XX wieku, takich jak Louis-Henri Boussenard, Paul d’Ivoi, Gustave Aimard, Arnould Galopin, Aleksander Dumas ojciec czy Michel Zévaco, a także pisarzy angielskich z tego okresu, jak choćby Zane Grey czy Charles Seltzer lub niemieckich, jak Karol May. Celem serii jest popularyzacja nieznanej lub mało znanej w Polsce twórczości bardzo poczytnych w swoim czasie autorów, przeznaczonej głównie dla młodzieży. Seria ukazuje się od 2015 roku. Wszystkie egzemplarze są numerowane i opatrzone podpisem twórcy i redaktora serii.
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Prawdziwy western powinien operować plenerami Dzikiego Zachodu, zawierać elementy awanturnicze, takie jak bójki czy pościgi, a jego głównym bohaterem powinna być postać wyróżniająca się szlachetnymi cechami, budzącymi sympatię w czytelniku. Podwójny rewolwerowiec zawiera wszystkie te elementy, które składają się na porywającą opowieść autorstwa Charlesa Aldena Seltzera. Została ona wydana po raz pierwszy w 1911 roku, doskonale wpisując się w schemat klasycznego westernu. Stan Nowy Meksyk. Do pustynnego rancza Dwa Diamenty przybywa nieznajomy podróżnik, Ned Ferguson. Zostaje tam zatrudniony oficjalnie w charakterze zaganiacza bydła, podczas gdy tak naprawdę zarządca osady zleca mu misję znalezienia i zlikwidowania bydłokradów. Obecność mężczyzny z dwoma rewolwerami przy pasie nie przypada do gustu wszystkim pracownikom rancza. Nowo przybyły szybko zostaje uznany za wroga przez głównego szefa wypasu, Dave’a Leviatta, który nieustannie stara mu się zaszkodzić. Nic w tym dziwnego, Ferguson okazał się nie tylko lepszy w strzelaniu, ale także w zabiegach o serce pięknej Mary Radford, mieszkającej wraz z bratem niedaleko Dwóch Diamentów. Co więcej, kobieta okazuje się aspirującą pisarką, która po spotkaniu podwójnego rewolwerowca postanawia uczynić go głównym bohaterem swojej książki. Atmosfera między mężczyznami zaczyna się robić coraz gęstsza, a sytuacji nie poprawia fakt, że z wypasów zaczyna ginąć coraz więcej bydła. Charles Alden Seltzer rysuje na tle krajobrazów Dzikiego Zachodu wyjątkową postać kowboja, który początkowo może wydawać się chłodny i oschły, jednak z biegiem akcji daje się poznać jako ktoś zupełnie inny. Atmosfera towarzysząca pościgom za bydłokradami, przeplatana raz po raz scenami miłosnymi, składa się na klasyczny western, który wciąga czytelnika, nie pozwalając mu przerwać lektury aż do ostatniej strony. Seria wydawnicza Wydawnictwa JAMAKASZ „Biblioteka Andrzeja – Szlakiem Przygody” to seria, w której publikowane są tłumaczenia powieści należące do szeroko pojętej literatury przygodowej, głównie pisarzy francuskich z XIX i początków XX wieku, takich jak Louis-Henri Boussenard, Paul d’Ivoi, Gustave Aimard, Arnould Galopin, Aleksander Dumas ojciec czy Michel Zévaco, a także pisarzy angielskich z tego okresu, jak choćby Zane Grey czy Charles Seltzer lub niemieckich, jak Karol May. Celem serii jest popularyzacja nieznanej lub mało znanej w Polsce twórczości bardzo poczytnych w swoim czasie autorów, przeznaczonej głównie dla młodzieży. Seria ukazuje się od 2015 roku. Wszystkie egzemplarze są numerowane i opatrzone podpisem twórcy i redaktora serii.
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First published in the year 1922, „Square Deal Sanderson” was written by one of twentieth century’s most prolific authors Charles Alden Seltzer. This novel was written in the Western genre of writing and marks the latter’s mastery in the genre. Mary, our heroine, is running the ranch alone waiting for her brother, whom she has not seen in years, to come and help as she is about to loose the ranch to the bad guys. Square Deal Sanderson was a son of the great uncultured primitive West. An old time cowboy, his code was the knightly code of a man of honor. For the sake of Mary, he braved successfully the persecution of a trio of land grabbers who had threatened to wrest her ranch from her. The story throbs with the excitement of the wild life of the range.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "TALES OF DRY BOTTOM – Complete Trilogy: The Two-Gun Man, The Coming of the Law & Firebrand Trevison)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. The Two-Gun Man – Stafford is a cattleman from the Two Diamond ranch whose herds are being devastated, so he goes to the town of Dry Bottom in order to find help. He meets Ned Ferguson who starts working undercover as a stray-man at the ranch, with an assignment to dispose rustlers, but his attention is being sidetracked by Mary Radford, a lovely neighbor who lives near the ranch. The Coming of the Law – Kent Hollis is a young journalist who lives on the East, but when his father dies Hollis returns to Dry Bottom, where he inherits the ranch, and also his father's newspaper – Dry Bottom Kicker. Soon he finds out that the whole town, the county, and sheriff are being controlled and intimidated by a crooked cattleman named Bill Dunlavey, and he starts a decisive and dangerous campaign against him. "Firebrand" Trevison is a cowboy, an owner of the Diamond K ranch and a stand-up guy who isn't afraid to speak his mind and fight for what is right. Expanding of the railroad from the town of Dry Bottom gets him in conflict with Mr. Corrigan, who is trying to cheat landowners of the county. As always, there is a pretty woman involved. Charles Alden Seltzer (1875-1942) was a prolific American author of western novels. He wrote his westerns from the experience of living on his uncle's ranch in New Mexico. Seltzer's best works include The Two-Gun Man, The Boss of the Lazy Y, Drag Harlan and West. Many of his novels were turned into Hollywood movies.
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Musaicum Books presents to you this carefully created volume of "Tales of the Wild West - 12 Novels in One Edition". This ebook has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Contents. Table of Contents: The Two-Gun Man The Coming of the Law The Trail to Yesterday The Boss of the Lazy Y The Range Boss "Firebrand" Trevison The Ranchman The Trail Horde "Beau" Rand "Drag" Harlan Square Deal Sanderson West! Charles Alden Seltzer (1875-1942) was a prolific American author of western novels. He wrote his westerns from the experience of living on his uncle's ranch in New Mexico. Seltzer's best works include The Two-Gun Man, The Boss of the Lazy Y, Drag Harlan and West. Many of his novels were turned into Hollywood movies.
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"Beau" Rand – Amos Seddon has been angry at Beaudry Rand for a long time, and he has passed that hatred on his daughter Eleanor, but when she meets the fellow of the certain name, he turns out to be quite the opposite of what she has been told. "Drag" Harlan is a tough vigilante cowboy with a bad reputation. While riding through the desert, among the rocks he finds a dying man named Morgan who tells him the story of hidden gold on his ranch, because of which he was shot by a gang of outlaws. Morgan makes Harlan promise to protect his daughter Square Deal Sanderson is an old time cowboy, a man of honor and a rough son of the West. Incidentally he stumbles upon two villains robbing and murdering a young cowboy. From the letters he carried, Sanderson learns that murdered man's sister is left alone at the distant Double A ranch and he steers his horse that way. Charles Alden Seltzer (1875-1942) was a prolific American author of western novels. He wrote his westerns from the experience of living on his uncle's ranch in New Mexico. Seltzer's best works include The Two-Gun Man, The Boss of the Lazy Y, Drag Harlan and West. Many of his novels were turned into Hollywood movies.
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The story concerns a complicated, angry, daredevil son, Calumet Marston, who returns to his boyhood homestead to find his hated father dead and a stranger, a woman named Betty, in charge. Her family had aided his father, and now she is „"the boss"”. He also left a testimony which states that Calumet must give a practical demonstration of reform in character if he wants to inherit his father’s money, and Betty is the one to be the judge of that. Written in the style of the early writers of the modern western, this is a vivid story of the depths to which any person can sink without discipline, charity and love. A classic story that is considered to be Seltzer’s best work with action and romance trailing at every turn.
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A fearsome daredevil Calumet Marston returns to his father's ranch known as the Lazy Y. He finds out that his father has died and that he left Betty Clayton in charge of a ranch, a young woman he took in. He also left a testimony which states that Calumet must give a practical demonstration of reform in character if he wants to inherit his father's money, and Betty is the one to be the judge of that. Charles Alden Seltzer (1875-1942) was a prolific American author of western novels. He wrote his westerns from the experience of living on his uncle's ranch in New Mexico. Seltzer's best works include The Two-Gun Man, The Boss of the Lazy Y, Drag Harlan and West. Many of his novels were turned into Hollywood movies.
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Charles Alden Seltzer (15 August 1875–9 February 1942) was an American writer. He was a prolific author of western novels, had writing credits for more than a dozen film titles, and authored numerous stories published in magazines, most prominently in Argosy. „The Coming of the Law” is a story of a young eastern newspaper man who goes West to a small town, and takes charge of a run-down newspaper, fights against an association of cattle rustlers for the benefit of the small ranchers, and wins. The hero is very much of a hero and manages to keep the peace and do justice without using his revolver. A little above the average of western stories, interesting, very exciting in parts and with some good local color. This is a western as only Seltzer could write it.
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The Two-Gun Man – Stafford is a cattleman from the Two Diamond ranch whose herds are being devastated, so he goes to the town of Dry Bottom in order to find help. He meets Ned Ferguson who starts working undercover as a stray-man at the ranch, with an assignment to dispose rustlers, but his attention is being sidetracked by Mary Radford, a lovely neighbor who lives near the ranch. The Coming of the Law – Kent Hollis is a young journalist who lives on the East, but when his father dies Hollis returns to Dry Bottom, where he inherits the ranch, and also his father's newspaper – Dry Bottom Kicker. Soon he finds out that the whole town, the county, and sheriff are being controlled and intimidated by a crooked cattleman named Bill Dunlavey, and he starts a decisive and dangerous campaign against him. "Firebrand" Trevison is a cowboy, an owner of the Diamond K ranch and a stand-up guy who isn't afraid to speak his mind and fight for what is right. Expanding of the railroad from the town of Dry Bottom gets him in conflict with Mr. Corrigan, who is trying to cheat landowners of the county. As always, there is a pretty woman involved. Charles Alden Seltzer (1875-1942) was a prolific American author of western novels. He wrote his westerns from the experience of living on his uncle's ranch in New Mexico. Seltzer's best works include The Two-Gun Man, The Boss of the Lazy Y, Drag Harlan and West. Many of his novels were turned into Hollywood movies.
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Musaicum Books presents to you this carefully created volume of "The Greatest Westerns of Charles Alden Seltzer". This ebook has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Charles Alden Seltzer (1875-1942) was a prolific American author of western novels. He wrote his westerns from the experience of living on his uncle's ranch in New Mexico. Seltzer's best works include The Two-Gun Man, The Boss of the Lazy Y, Drag Harlan and West. Many of his novels were turned into Hollywood movies. Content: The Two-Gun Man The Coming of the Law The Trail to Yesterday The Boss of the Lazy Y The Range Boss "Firebrand" Trevison The Ranchman The Trail Horde "Beau" Rand "Drag" Harlan Square Deal Sanderson West!
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In the style of the early writers of the modern western, the Charles Alden Seltzer paints a vivid story of the depths to which any person can sink without discipline, charity and love. This is one of the best Seltzer’s work. He wrote his westerns from the experience of living on his uncle’s ranch in New Mexico. Seltzer’s best works also include „The Two-Gun Man”, „The Boss of the Lazy Y”, etc. Many of his novels were turned into Hollywood movies. „The Ranchman” is a rootin’-tootin’ western love story. Non-stop action, good guys and bad guys, and no shortage of gun-fighting to keep you guessing until the end whether the hero will actually get the girl. A real page turner, with action and romance trailing at every turn.
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In this 1916 western by American writer Charles Alden Seltzer, Ruth Harkness inherits a western ranch from her uncle. Rex Randerson plays the central role as her range boss and rescuer. Randerson meets her on her arrival, rescues her from a mired buckboard and is devotedly in love with her from that moment. Ruth however is engaged to Willard Masten who comes west as a member of her party. Masten who is a double dyed villain finds companions of his own caliber in Chavis and Pickett two typical „bad men” and there is much gun play before the story comes to an end with Ruth and her range boss happy in their mutual love and understanding. Seltzer’s Western novels are jam-packed with action, adventure, and romance.
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The Range Boss – Ruth Harkness of Poughkeepsie is chosen to be the new owner of the Flying W ranch, by the decision of her uncle Bill. On her way to the West Ruth is saved from a mired buckboard by Rex Randerson, and she picks him to be her new range boss. Although Ruth is promised to another man, Rex falls in love with her and becomes her guardian. The Trail to Yesterday – Sheila Langford is a young woman from Albany who went on a journey to the West to find a Double R ranch that her stepfather bought. She got lost in a cold rainy night, only to be rescued by a brute stranger called simply Dakota, thus making an unusual bond between two completely different characters. West! – Josephine Hamilton is a New York City woman on a long journey to visit her friend Betty Lowson at her ranch. She never saw cowboys before, nor did she experienced the western style of living, so she was quite shocked when she met two of the toughest men around, "Satan" Lattimer and "Steel" Brannon. Each of them will influence her in certain way as she is about to sense the taste of the true West. Charles Alden Seltzer (1875-1942) was a prolific American author of western novels. He wrote his westerns from the experience of living on his uncle's ranch in New Mexico. Seltzer's best works include The Two-Gun Man, The Boss of the Lazy Y, Drag Harlan and West. Many of his novels were turned into Hollywood movies.
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If you enjoy the works of Charles Alden Seltzer then we highly recommend „The Trail Horde” for your book collection. A classic story that is considered to be Seltzer’s best work with action and romance trailing at every turn. After losing a ranch, a lone man battles against the rustlers and cattle thievin’ sidewinders who had grabbed the spread. Plot twists and detailed explanations of characters thoughts and motivations. Charles Alden Seltzer was one of the most successful and prolific Western writers of his day. His books are now lauded for their authenticity, and were widely reprinted and translated during his lifetime, and for several decades after. A number of his novels were adapted for the screen beginning in the silent-film era.
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