Burnett Frances Hodgson
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Sekuła Aleksandra
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Vandenberg Patricia
Kotwica Wojciech
Burnett Frances Hodgson
Doyle Arthur Conan
Kowalska Dorota
Hackett Pete
Wallace Edgar
Buchner Friederike von
Cartland Barbara
Kochanowski Jan
Waidacher Toni
Dickens Charles
Shakespeare William
Maybach Viola
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Konopnicka Maria
Twain Mark
May Karl
Sienkiewicz Henryk
Krzyżanowski Julian
Otwinowska Barbara
London Jack
Mahr Kurt
Boy-Żeleński Tadeusz
Montgomery Lucy Maud
Darlton Clark
Ewers H.G
Leśmian Bolesław
Dönges Günter
Vega Lope de
Barca Pedro Calderón de la
Trzeciak Weronika
Poe Edgar Allan
Stevenson Robert Louis
Krasicki Ignacy
Austen Jane
Francis H.G
Vlcek Ernst
Conrad Joseph
Stefan Zweig
Andersen Hans Christian
Mickiewicz Adam
Barner G.F
Kipling Rudyard
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Ellmer Arndt
Kühnemann Andreas
Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
Palmer Roy
Wells H. G
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy
Oppenheim E. Phillips
Balzac Honoré de
Voltz William
Dumas Alexandre
Leblanc Maurice
Mark William
Bazán Emilia Pardo
Goliński Zbigniew
May Karol
Hałas Jacek "Stranger"
Baczyński Krzysztof Kamil
Dug Katarzyna
Howard Robert E
Wilde Oscar
Hoffmann Horst
Kafka Franz
Kneifel Hans
Alcott Louisa May
Verne Juliusz
Kobras Beatrice
Kayser-Darius Nina
McMason Fred
Jachowicz Stanisław
Prus Bolesław
Orzeszkowa Eliza
Zola Émile
Haensel Hubert
Rawinis Marian Piotr
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Thurner Michael Marcus
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Literatura młodzieżowa angielska - 20 w.
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Powieść dziecięca angielska - 20 w.
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Literatura młodzieżowa angielska
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Dwór pośrodku rozległych wrzosowisk skrywa wiele sekretów. Sto zamkniętych pokoi, mur bez furtki, odległy krzyk w korytarzu i chłopiec rozmawiający ze zwierzętami. Czy dziesięcioletniej, wścibskiej i niezbyt sympatycznej panience Mary uda się rozwiązać wszystkie zagadki ponurego Misselthwaite Manor?„Tajemniczy ogród” wielokrotnie wystawiany na deskach teatrów, zekranizowany przez Agnieszkę Holland jest historią, która się nie starzeje. Coraz to nowe pokolenia poznają i na nowo zakochują się w opowieści o przemianie kapryśnej Mary.
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Zapraszamy do świata "Tajemniczego Ogrodu", gdzie Mary odkrywa prawdziwą moc natury i przyjaźni. To nie tylko książka - to prawdziwa podróż, która ma moc zmieniania życia. Przyłącz się do Mary i jej przyjaciół i doświadcz przemiany na własnej skórze. Mary Lennox, niegdyś rozpieszczona i kapryśna dziewczynka, zostaje przeniesiona do tajemniczej angielskiej posiadłości swojego wuja po stracie rodziców. Ta zmiana scenerii wprowadza Mary w nową rzeczywistość, której nikt by się nie spodziewał. W sercu tej historii leży tajemniczy ogród, przestrzeń pełna życia, zdrowia i transformacji. To tu Mary poznaje swojego hipochondrycznego kuzyna, Colina. Ich wspólne odkrywanie mocy natury i przyjaźni przemienia zarówno ich, jak i otaczający ich świat. Jeśli zachwyciła Was "Alicja w Krainie Czarów" czy "Ania z Zielonego Wzgórza", to ta pozycja z pewnością przypadnie Wam do gustu.
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Mała Mary Lennox po śmierci rodziców przybywa z Indii do posiadłości swojego wuja. Okazuje się, że dom jest bardzo ponury i tajemniczy - są tam zamknięte pokoje, w nocy słychać dziwne krzyki. Czy Mary odkryje sekret? Co znajdzie za ukrytą furtką? Piękna opowieść dla czytelników w każdym wieku.
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Mary Lennox po stracie rodziców przyjeżdża do wielkiego domu swojego wuja na Yorkshire Moors. Posiadłość ma prawie sto pokoi, a jej wuj okazuje się nieobecnym człowiekiem, który siedzi w zamknięciu. Pozostawiona sama sobie szybko odkrywa, że ​​jest dom pełen tajemnic. W nocy słyszy czyjś płacz w jednym z długich korytarzy. Wkrótce odkrywa również tajemniczy ogród, otoczony murami i zamknięty na klucz. Z pomocą dwóch nieoczekiwanych towarzyszy Mary odkrywa drogę do środka – i jest zdeterminowana, by przywrócić ogród do życia. Ponadczasowa historia o niezwykłej mocy przyjaźni i natury, która od lat oczarowuje kolejne pokolenia czytelników.
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(Wolne Lektury)
Publikacja zrealizowana w ramach projektu Wolne Lektury (http://www.wolnelektury.pl). Reprodukcja cyfrowa wykonana przez Bibliotekę Narodową. Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego.
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Książka w dwóch wersjach językowych: polskiej i angielskiej. A dual Polish-English language edition. „Tajemniczy ogród” to powieść obyczajowa autorstwa Frances Hodgson Burnett. „Tajemniczy ogród” jest współcześnie uważany za najlepszą powieść tej autorki i zaliczany do klasyki literatury dziecięcej. Prócz warstwy obyczajowej, książka daje też wyraz przekonaniu o uzdrowicielskiej, wręcz mistycznej sile natury. Ludzie pozostający w silnym z nią związku są zdrowi i mocni (także moralnie), czego przykładem jest Dick Sowerby, owo „dziecko natury”. Ozdrowieńczego jej oddziaływania doświadczają także inni jej bohaterowie: Mary Lennox, oderwana od angielskich korzeni, jest chorowita i brzydka – zmienia się to po powrocie do ojczyzny i poddaniu się mocy przyrody. (http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tajemniczy_ogród).The Secret Garden is a novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett. It was initially published in serial format starting in the autumn of 1910, and was first published in its entirety in 1911. It is now one of Burnett's most popular novels, and is considered to be a classic of English children's literature. Several stage and film adaptations have been produced. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Secret_Garden).
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The conception of this book is admirable, and it embodies in a most impressive manner a thought, or rather a sentiment, which is not new, but which is widespread and strong, and which has never before been born into flesh and blood. The existence of such a noble soul and such noble beauty as Joan Lowrie's, in a condition of life so low and so coarsening as that of a Lancashire coal-pit girl, has doubtless occurred to other minds as among the possibilities; but it has been reserved for Mrs. Burnett to show us the workings of such a woman's soul, to make us feel the influence of such a woman's beauty, to develop her before us by varied influences into a thoughtful, gentle woman, to let us see her love for a man so much above her that she deems herself hardly fit to speak to him grow into the one absorbing passion of her life, which she yet sacrifices in mute agony rather than put him to shame.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "The Complete Novels of Frances Hodgson Burnett (Illustrated Edition)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Introduction: Frances Hodgson Burnett from Children's Stories in American Literature by H. C. Wright Children's Novels: The Secret Garden A Little Princess Little Lord Fauntleroy The Lost Prince Two Little Pilgrims' Progress Barty Crusoe and His Man Saturday Other Novels: That Lass o' Lowrie's Theo: A Sprightly Love Story Haworth's Miss Crespigny Louisiana A Fair Barbarian Through One Administration Vagabondia The Pretty Sister of José A Lady of Quality His Grace of Osmonde In Connection with the De Willoughby Claim Emily Fox-Seton The Shuttle T. Tembarom The White People The Head of the House of Coombe Robin
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This carefully crafted ebook collection is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Introduction: Frances Hodgson Burnett from Children's Stories in American Literature by H. C. Wright Children's Books: The Secret Garden A Little Princess Little Lord Fauntleroy The Lost Prince Two Little Pilgrims' Progress Barty Crusoe and His Man Saturday Sara Crewe or What Happened at Miss Minchin's Editha's Burglar In the Closed Room The Land of the Blue Flower The Good Wolf The Little Hunchback Zia Little Saint Elizabeth, and Other Stories: Little Saint Elizabeth The Story of Prince Fairyfoot The Proud Little Grain of Wheat Behind the White Brick Queen Crosspatch's Stories: Racketty-Packetty House The Cozy Lion The Spring Cleaning Two Days in the Life of Piccino The Captain's Youngest Little Betty's Kitten Tells Her Story How Fauntleroy Occurred Novels: That Lass o' Lowrie's Theo: A Sprightly Love Story Haworth's Miss Crespigny Louisiana A Fair Barbarian Through One Administration Vagabondia The Pretty Sister of José A Lady of Quality His Grace of Osmonde In Connection with the De Willoughby Claim Emily Fox-Seton The Shuttle T. Tembarom The White People The Head of the House of Coombe Robin Short Stories: Surly Tim Esmeralda Mère Girauds Little Daughter Lodusky Seth One Day at Arle Le Monsieur de la Petite Dame The Woman's Way The Dawn of a Tomorrow My Robin
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e-artnow presents to you this meticulously edited collection of children's classics: The Secret Garden A Little Princess Little Lord Fauntleroy The Lost Prince Two Little Pilgrims' Progress Barty Crusoe and His Man Saturday Sara Crewe or What Happened at Miss Minchin's Editha's Burglar In the Closed Room The Land of the Blue Flower The Good Wolf The Little Hunchback Zia Little Saint Elizabeth, and Other Stories: Little Saint Elizabeth The Story of Prince Fairyfoot The Proud Little Grain of Wheat Behind the White Brick Queen Crosspatch's Stories: Racketty-Packetty House The Cozy Lion The Spring Cleaning Two Days in the Life of Piccino The Captain's Youngest Little Betty's Kitten Tells Her Story How Fauntleroy Occurred
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A charming legendary romance of today, having for its hero a boy prince in ignorance of his royal station, who traveled through France as a tramp, secretly carrying a sign and a message to stray men in crowded streets, at palace gates, in forests, and on mountain sides, he himself ignorant of all but that he must obey and pass on in silence. A tale of faerie, touched with mysticism, instinct with romance and courage and the spirit of consecration to an ideal of splendid service.
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The Lost Prince Frances Hodgson Burnett - This book is about Marco Loristan, his father, and his friend, a street urchin called "The Rat". Marco's father, Stefan, is a Samavian patriot working to overthrow the cruel dictatorship in the kingdom of Samavia. Marco and his father come to London where Marco strikes up a friendship with a crippled street urchin known as The Rat. The friendship occurs when Marco overhears The Rat shouting in military form. Marco discovers he had stumbled upon a club known as the Squad, where the boys drill under the leadership of The Rat, whose education and imagination far exceeds their own.Stefan, realizing that two boys are less likely to be noticed, entrusts them with a secret mission to travel across Europe giving the secret sign: 'The Lamp is lighted.' Marco is to go as the Bearer of the Sign while The Rat goes as his Aide-de-Camp (so-named at his own request).This brings about a revolution which succeeds in overthrowing the old regime and re-establishing the rightful king. When Marco and The Rat return to London, Stefan has already left for Samavia. They wait there with his father's faithful bodyguard, Lazarus, until Stefan calls. The book ends in a climactic scene as Marco realizes his father is the descendant of Ivor Fedorovitch and thus the rightful king of Samavia.
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An exciting children's tale of espionage and revolution from the author of The Secret Garden and A Little Princess. From the author of A Little Princess and The Secret Garden comes a masterful adventure that will capture the imagination: a tale of destiny, revolution, family and friendship. Twelve-year-old Marco and his father, Stefan, are exiled citizens of the impoverished Eastern European nation of Samavia. They live in London, where Stefan often receives mysterious visitors and where Marco befriends a street urchin known only as Rat. Stefan decides to send the pair on a secret mission in Europe, carrying a coded message to fellow Samavian patriots across the continent. On their arrival in Europe, it quickly becomes clear that Marco and Rat might not know the whole story; everywhere they go, Samavian exiles show Marco particular attention, but it is not until their return to London that the magnitude of the secret hidden within him becomes clear. Burnett's evocation of early twentieth-century Europe is masterful, and her imaginative tale of political intrigue and family destiny will appeal to readers of all ages.
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"Little Lord Fauntleroy" is the first children's novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett. It was originally published as a serial in1886. Cedric Errol is a poor American boy who finds out that he is the sole heir to a wealthy British earldom and thus becomes Lord Fauntleroy. The Lost Prince tells a story of country that is in a terrible civil war, and where people are killing each other all for the sake of power. The poor citizens of Samavia can only hope that their beloved lost prince will come back and make every thing right as it used to be. Marco Loristan, a twelve-year-old refugee, and his friend, a hunchback orphan named The Rat, embark on a dangerous journey across Europe to bring freedom to Marco's beleaguered homeland of Samavia. Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett (1849–1924) was an English-American playwright and author. She is best known for her children's stories, in particular Little Lord Fauntleroy, A Little Princess, and The Secret Garden.
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"The Making of a Marchioness" is a novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett. It was followed by a sequel, The Methods of Lady Walderhurst, but both have been subsequently published together, either under the original name "The Making of a Marchioness" or as "Emily Fox-Seton". Emily Fox-Seton is a young woman of good birth but no money who works as a companion and assistant for various members of the upper class. Her chief employer is Lady Maria Bayne, who is both very selfish and very funny, although she does come to care for Emily. In a "Cinderella-like" ending, Emily eventually marries a much older man, James, the Marquess of Walderhurst, thus herself becoming a marchioness. In the sequel, originally "The Methods of Lady Walderhurst", Emily has Walderhurst's child, and his former heir, Alec Osborn, attempts to regain what he sees as his birthright.
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Frances Hodgson Burnett worked on two books simultaneously: The Shuttle, a longer and more complicated book; and The Making of a Marchioness, which she wrote in a few weeks and published to good reviews. it is about the rejuvenating effects of Americans and American money on a somewhat decadent English aristocracy. The Making of a Marchioness (1901) It was originally published in two parts: the first tells the fairy tale-like story of how our heroine, Emily Fox-Seton, became the Marchioness of Walderhurst. The second, originally titled The Methods of Lady Walderhurst, is a down-to-earth portrayal of the realities of Victorian marriage, with a bit of a Victorian sensation vibe to it. The Shuttle (1907) It was begun in 1900 but frequently abandoned while its author, Frances Hodgson Burnett, wrote several other books, including, most famously, The Making of a Marchioness. The Shuttle is about American heiresses marrying English aristocrats; by extension it is about the effect of American energy and dynamism rejuvenating a somewhat decadent English aristocracy: Rosalie Vanderpoel, the daughter of an American multimillionaire marries an impoverished English baronet and goes to live in England. She all but loses contact with her family in America. Years later her younger sister Bettina, beautiful, intelligent and extremely rich, goes to England to find what has happened to her sister. She finds Rosalie shabby and dispirited, cowed by her husband's ill treatment. Bettina sets about to rectify matters… Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett (1849–1924) was an English-American playwright and author. She is best known for her children's stories, in particular Little Lord Fauntleroy , A Little Princess, and The Secret Garden.
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To say that Mrs. Burnett's account of 'The One I Knew Best of All' is a fascinating book, is to put the matter very mildly. It is not one little girl alone whose experiences are here recorded, but, as the author justly claims, it is the story of any child with an imagination. Mrs. Burnett's recollections go back to a very early age; she remembers events that happened before she was three years old, and she cannot remember a time when she was not capable of forming decided opinions about things. Mrs. Burnett has written many attractive books-books that have made friends for her all over the world-but she has never written a book more charming than this. The naiveté, candor, and utter unpretentiousness of it are qualities that give it an enduring fascination.
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The Secret Garden is a children's novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett first published as a book in 1911. Set in England, it is one of Burnett's most popular novels and is considered a classic of English children's literature. Several stage and film adaptations have been made.
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The Secret Garden is a children's novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett first published as a book in 1911, after a version was published as an American magazine serial beginning in 1910. Set in England, it is one of Burnett's most popular novels and is considered a classic of English children's literature. Several stage and film adaptations have been made. The American edition was published by Stokes with illustrations by Maria Louise Kirk (signed as M. L. Kirk) and the British edition by Heinemann with illustrations by Charles Heath Robinson. At the turn of the 20th century, Mary Lennox is a sickly and unloved 10-year-old girl, born in India to wealthy British parents who never wanted her. She is cared for by servants, who allow her to become a spoiled, aggressive and selfish child. After a cholera epidemic kills her parents and the servants, Mary is discovered alive but alone in the empty house. She briefly lives with an English clergyman and his family before she is sent to Yorkshire, in England, to live with Archibald Craven, an uncle whom she has never met, at his isolated house, Misselthwaite Manor. At first, Mary is as rude and sour as ever. She dislikes her new home, the people living in it, and most of all, the bleak moor on which it sits. However, a good-natured maid named Martha Sowerby tells Mary about the late Mrs Craven, who would spend hours in a private walled garden growing roses. Mrs Craven died after an accident in the garden, and the devastated Mr Craven locked the garden and buried the key. Mary becomes interested in finding the secret garden herself, and her ill manners begin to soften as a result. Soon she comes to enjoy the company of Martha, the gardener Ben Weatherstaff, and a friendly robin redbreast. Her health and attitude improve, and she grows stronger as she explores the moor and plays with a skipping rope that Mrs Sowerby buys for her. Mary wonders about both the secret garden and the mysterious cries that echo through the house at night.
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An all-time childrens' classic and a pretty story of a wallcd-in garden in Yorkshire, which is discovered by little Mary Lennox and a robin. She was a lonely, delicate little girl who had been sent from India to be cared for by an uncle who was twisted in body, and in mind through the tragedy of his young wife's death. Colin, his little son, is a spoiled invalid, but he and Mary Lennox and a Yorkshire lad called Dickon, who can charm all wild things of the moor, and old Ben Weatherstaff, a crabbed gardener, and the robin all share the "secret garden," and plant things and trim vines and watch things grow. The garden belonged to Colin's mother, and had lain neglected until Mary found the buried key. Here they regained health and happiness, and Colin's father returns from his travels to find his son straight and strong, and not deformed as he had feared.
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