Franklin Benjamin
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Sekuła Aleksandra
Kozioł Paweł
Bekker Alfred
Vandenberg Patricia
Kotwica Wojciech
Franklin Benjamin
Kowalska Dorota
Doyle Arthur Conan
Hackett Pete
Wallace Edgar
Buchner Friederike von
Cartland Barbara
Kochanowski Jan
Waidacher Toni
Dickens Charles
Shakespeare William
Maybach Viola
Verne Jules
Konopnicka Maria
Twain Mark
May Karl
Sienkiewicz Henryk
Krzyżanowski Julian
Otwinowska Barbara
London Jack
Mahr Kurt
Boy-Żeleński Tadeusz
Montgomery Lucy Maud
Darlton Clark
Ewers H.G
Leśmian Bolesław
Dönges Günter
Vega Lope de
Barca Pedro Calderón de la
Trzeciak Weronika
Poe Edgar Allan
Stevenson Robert Louis
Krasicki Ignacy
Austen Jane
Francis H.G
Vlcek Ernst
Stefan Zweig
Andersen Hans Christian
Conrad Joseph
Mickiewicz Adam
Barner G.F
Kipling Rudyard
Autores Varios
Chávez José Pérez
Ellmer Arndt
Kühnemann Andreas
Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
Palmer Roy
Wells H. G
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy
Oppenheim E. Phillips
Balzac Honoré de
Voltz William
Dumas Alexandre
Leblanc Maurice
Mark William
Bazán Emilia Pardo
Goliński Zbigniew
May Karol
Hałas Jacek "Stranger"
Baczyński Krzysztof Kamil
Dug Katarzyna
Howard Robert E
Wilde Oscar
Hoffmann Horst
Kafka Franz
Kneifel Hans
Alcott Louisa May
Verne Juliusz
Kobras Beatrice
Kayser-Darius Nina
McMason Fred
Jachowicz Stanisław
Prus Bolesław
Orzeszkowa Eliza
Zola Émile
Haensel Hubert
Rawinis Marian Piotr
King Stephen
Żeromski Stefan
Słowacki Juliusz
Dick Viktor
Scott Walter
Collins Wilkie
Courths-Mahler Hedwig
Suchanek Andreas
Woolf Virginia
Orwell George
Fischer Marie Louise
James Henry
Lech Justyna
Cooper James Fenimore
Anton Uwe
Grey Zane
Summaries Leader
Thurner Michael Marcus
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"Dear Son: I have ever had pleasure in obtaining any little anecdotes of my ancestors. You may remember the inquiries I made among the remains of my relations when you were with me in England, and the journey I undertook for that purpose. Imagining it may be equally agreeable to you to know the circumstances of my life, many of which you are yet unacquainted with, and expecting the enjoyment of a week's uninterrupted leisure in my present country retirement, I sit down to write them for you." The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin gives a compelling picture of Franklin's life and times. It is a story of hard work, humility, and humour.
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...LEARNING "from this special utilitarian principle – and find that doing what is right for the right's sake is good, not only because it is right, but also because it is the best thing to do to achieve happiness. Moreover, for those who do not believe in this utopia, we can learn that these precious teachings help pave the way to financial independence, which in turn can ensure plenty of freedom, time, and tranquility to enjoy a good life.
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Kiedy w 1492 roku Krzysztof Kolumb dobił do wybrzeży Ameryki, nie mógł wiedzieć, że stoi na lądzie, na którym rozwinie się potężne mocarstwo gospodarcze i mekka wolności. Ojcami sukcesu Stanów Zjednoczonych byli Benjamin Franklin i ludzie mu podobni – pracowici i oszczędni protestanci.W barwnej autobiografii późniejszy mąż stanu, którego popiersie po dziś dzień dumnie zdobi studolarowy banknot, opisuje swoje życie prywatne, dzieląc się zarazem niezliczonymi przemyśleniami, które mimo upływu lat nie straciły na wartości.Autobiografia jednego z ojców założycieli Stanów Zjednoczonych to ponadczasowa opowieść o moralności, pracowitości, sukcesie, erystyce oraz umiłowaniu książek i słowa. To pełna ciepła publikacja kipiąca od życiowej mądrości. Jednocześnie odsłania ona codzienną egzystencję polityka, przybliża jego działalność naukową oraz filantropijną, a także historię formowania się podstaw amerykańskiego państwa.
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W barwnej autobiografii późniejszy mąż stanu, którego popiersie po dziś dzień dumnie zdobi studolarowy banknot, opisuje swoje życie prywatne, dzieląc się zarazem niezliczonymi przemyśleniami, które mimo upływu lat nie straciły na wartości. Autobiografia jednego z ojców założycieli Stanów Zjednoczonych to ponadczasowa opowieść o moralności, pracowitości, sukcesie, erystyce oraz umiłowaniu książek i słowa. To pełna ciepła publikacja kipiąca od życiowej mądrości. Jednocześnie odsłania ona codzienną egzystencję polityka, przybliża jego działalność naukową oraz filantropijną, a także historię formowania się podstaw amerykańskiego państwa.
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Während eines Aufenthalts auf dem Landsitz seines Freundes Jonathan Shipley im Jahr 1771 begann Franklin mit der Abfassung seiner Autobiographie. Er sollte diese Arbeit über einen Zeitraum von nahezu neunzehn Jahren in insgesamt vier Abschnitten fortführen - bei seinem Tod war das Werk allerdings unvollendet.
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Dieses eBook: "Benjamin Franklins Leben: Die Autobiografie" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Benjamin Franklins Leben ist die Autobiografie von ihm selbst beschrieben. Am Anfang steht ein langer Brief an seinen Sohn William, den damaligen Gouverneur von New Jersey. Die Autobiographie war gleichwohl von Beginn an für ein breiteres Publikum bestimmt. Franklins Ziel war es, seinen eigenen Aufstieg aus einfachen Verhältnissen zu einer wohlhabenden und geachteten Persönlichkeit darzustellen. Damit verband er den Wunsch, dass andere seinem Vorbild nacheifern sollten. Benjamin Franklin, (1706-1790) war ein nordamerikanischer Drucker, Verleger, Schriftsteller, Naturwissenschaftler, Erfinder und Staatsmann. Geboren als Sohn eines Seifen- und Kerzenmachers, machte Franklin zunächst eine Karriere als Drucker, bevor er sich im Alter von 42 Jahren aus dem Geschäftsleben zurückzog und in die Politik ging. Sein sozialer Aufstieg galt - befördert durch seine in zahlreichen Auflagen gedruckte Autobiographie - über lange Zeit hinweg als ein Musterbeispiel dafür, wie man sich aus eigener Kraft und Disziplin emporarbeiten kann. Als einer der Gründerväter der Vereinigten Staaten beteiligte er sich am Entwurf der Unabhängigkeitserklärung der Vereinigten Staaten und war einer ihrer Unterzeichner. Während der Amerikanischen Revolution vertrat er die Vereinigten Staaten als Diplomat in Frankreich und handelte sowohl den Allianzvertrag mit den Franzosen als auch den Frieden von Paris aus, der den Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg beendete. Auch machte er wissenschaftliche Entdeckungen, unter anderem erfand er - neben anderen - den Blitzableiter.
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Dla wielu z nas Benjamin Franklin jawi się głównie jako polityk i dyplomata, a także postać, która w znaczącym stopniu przyczyniła się do powstania Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki. Nie zdajemy sobie jednak sprawy z tego, że w codziennym życiu używamy wyrażeń i aforyzmów, których autorstwo przypisuje się właśnie Franklinowi. Do najbardziej powszechnych zaliczyć można takie sentencje, jak „Czas to pieniądz” lub „Na tym świecie pewne są tylko śmierć i podatki”.„Droga do majątku i inne pisma” to zbiór krótkich opowiadań autorstwa Benjamina Franklina, pełnych wskazówek dotyczących zarządzania rodzinnym budżetem, stosunku do pracy i lenistwa, oszczędzania, a także dowcipnych, ale zarazem pouczających historii na temat zdrowia, śmierci i wyznania. To pozycja, która podobnie jak dobre wino nabiera smaku mimo upływu lat, nie tracąc na wartości i inspirując przy tym kolejne pokolenia koneserów.
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En 1732, Franklin comenzó a publicar El Almanaque del Pobre Richard, en el cual construyó una imagen basada en la ideología del pueblo estadounidense sobre máximas como "un centavo ahorrado es un centavo ganado", entre otras que se han vuelto inmemoriales. El ensayo El Camino hacia la Riqueza se publicó en ese almanaque, causando gran furor en la época, y se hizo legendario. En este pequeño libro, nos planteamos sumar otros cuatro ensayos de Benjamín Franklin, por la grandiosidad de su filosofía, humor y belleza argumentativa. En sus Observaciones sobre los salvajes de Norteamérica, Franklin nos enseña sobre la igualdad entre todos los seres humanos; en Nosotros somos espíritus, nos trae su visión sobre la muerte, en un escrito construido bajo la forma de carta dedicada a una persona en luto; en su El arte de buscar sueños placenteros, muestra un lado ingenioso, enseñando algo fundamental a la salud: dormir bien; finalmente, como si cerrara un ciclo, termina con Consejo a un joven empresario, donde también escribe sus ideas en forma de carta, esta vez adquiriendo la voz de uno experimentado a un joven principiante. Este último ensayo viene a complementar el primero.
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Nie będzie przesadą stwierdzenie, że niemal każde zdanie przelane przez Benjamina Franklina na papier niesie cenne przesłanie. Jego analityczny umysł stale doszukiwał się rozwiązań i ulepszeń, które można zastosować w życiu codziennym.Ten wybitny amerykański polityk i wynalazca, dziś uznawany za bohatera narodowego, poza swoją działalnością zawodową i dobroczynną, zapisał się w historii właśnie licznymi publikacjami. Niezwykle wysoko ceniąc rozwój osobisty, w wolnych chwilach notował refleksje na temat otaczającego świata. Jego złote myśli cytowane są do dzisiaj, a ich celność wciąż pobudza do myślenia i zmiany postępowania."Jak się doskonalić, czyli 13 cnót wg Benjamina Franklina oraz fragmenty z opisu żywota własnego" to zbiór najważniejszych zasad, którymi zdaniem autora, powinien kierować się człowiek dążący do perfekcji, osiągnięcia sukcesu i zdobycia szacunku otoczenia. Franklin opisuje znaczenie każdej z nich, podając wskazówki pomocne przy wdrożeniu ich w życie, a także kontrolowaniu czynionych postępów.Wybrane fragmenty z autobiografii Benjamina Franklina dotyczą natomiast sytuacji, w których polityk wykazywał się żyłką przedsiębiorczości. Stanowią one inspirujące świadectwo człowieka, który dzięki dyscyplinie i inteligencji, z czasem zyskał miano jednego z największych mężów stanu.Jak mawiał Franklin: „Bramy mądrości nigdy nie bywają zamknięte”, a „Silny jest ten, kto potrafi przezwyciężyć swe szkodliwe przyzwyczajenia”. Tylko do nas należy decyzja, czy zrobimy ten pierwszy krok.
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The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is the traditional name for the unfinished record of his own life written by Benjamin Franklin from 1771 to 1790; however, Franklin himself appears to have called the work his Memoirs. Although it had a tortuous publication history after Franklin's death, this work has become one of the most famous and influential examples of an autobiography ever written. Franklin's account of his life is divided into four parts, reflecting the different periods at which he wrote them. There are actual breaks in the narrative between the first three parts, but Part Three's narrative continues into Part Four without an authorial break (only an editorial one).
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In "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin" the life story of one of the most important figures in American history is recounted. The book tells the story of Franklin's early days as a printer, publisher and inventor through to the year 1757 where the Autobiography ends uncompleted. Franklin wrote this autobiography during three different periods in his life and it is supposed that it is left unfinished due to his dying before its completion. There may be no greater figure in American history than Benjamin Franklin and here the reader will delight in an intimate portrait of the man.
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The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is the traditional name for the unfinished record of his own life written by Benjamin Franklin from 1771 to 1790; however, Franklin himself appears to have called the work his Memoirs. Although it had a tortuous publication history after Franklin's death, this work has become one of the most famous and influential examples of an autobiography ever written. Franklin's account of his life is divided into four parts, reflecting the different periods at which he wrote them. There are actual breaks in the narrative between the first three parts, but Part Three's narrative continues into Part Four without an authorial break (only an editorial one). In the "Introduction" of the 1916 publication of the Autobiography, editor F. W. Pine wrote that Franklin's biography provided the "most remarkable of all the remarkable histories of our self-made men" with Franklin as the greatest exemplar. The most famous writings of Benjamin Franklin include Silence Dogood letters, A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain, The Busy-Body letters, Poor Richard's Almanack, The Drinker's Dictionary, Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, etc., The Way to Wealth, Pennsylvania Chronicle, Rules by Which a Great Empire May Be Reduced to a Small One, Proposed alliance with the Iroquois, A Letter To A Royal Academy, Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America, The Morals of Chess, An Address to the Public, A Plan for Improving the Condition of the Free Blacks, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Bagatelles and Satires, Franklin as a journalist and many more.
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This collection starts first and foremost with Benjamin Franklin's autobiography, one of the most famous and influential autobiographies ever written. The edition includes all the collections of his writings, together with various papers that have been published in separate pamphlets. All the writing are methodically arranged, the moral and philosophical works according to their subjects and the political papers according to their dates. Contents: Autobiography Letters and Papers on Electricity Letters and Papers on Philosophical Subjects Papers on Subjects of General Politics Papers on American Subjects Before the Revolutionary Troubles Papers on American Subjects During the Revolutionary Troubles Papers, Descriptive of America, or Relating to That Country, Written Subsequent to the Revolution Papers on Moral Subjects and the Economy of Life Letters by Several Eminent Persons, Illustrative of Dr. Franklin's Manners and Character
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Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is a record of the life of one of the most impressive individuals in the American history. Franklin's autobiography, although unfinished, represents one of the most famous and influential examples of an autobiography ever written. His book is the record of an unusual life told in his own unexcelled conversational style. The Autobiography is Franklin's longest work, and yet it is only a fragment of it. The account of Franklin's life is divided in a manner that reflects the different periods in which he wrote them. The first part, written as a letter to his son, William Franklin, was not intended for publication; the composition is more informal and the narrative more personal than in the second part, from 1730 onward, which was written with a view to publication. Contents: Ancestry and Early Life in Boston Beginning Life as a Printer Arrival in Philadelphia First Visit to Boston Early Friends in Philadelphia First Visit to London Beginning Business in Philadelphia Business Success and First Public Service Plan for Attaining Moral Perfection Poor Richard's Almanac and Other Activities Interest in Public Affairs Defense of the Province Public Services and Duties Albany Plan of Union
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It is easy to be persuaded that Mr. John Bigelow's edition of 'The Works of Benjamin Franklin' is likely to be the most complete, the most scholarly and acccurate, the 'Federal' edition. Mr. Bigelow was confessedly the foremost authority on Franklin. Beside the material now in print, carefully collated for the present purpose, so far as possible, with the original manuscripts, he has had free use of the supplementary Franklin MSS. purchased by the State Department in 1881, and not published before his work, and the autobiography has been printed for the first time in any collected edition of Franklin's Works, from the original manuscript, which was in Mr. BigeIow's possession. Mr. Bigelow promises upwards of 350 letters and documents which have never appeared in any previous collection, beside a thorough revision of the text throughout, and a new, chronological, arrangement of matter. The notes and other editorial additions are limited strictly to the illustration of the text. This is volume one out of twelve, covering the autobiography and the years 1725 through 1734.
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It is easy to be persuaded that Mr. John Bigelow's edition of 'The Works of Benjamin Franklin' is likely to be the most complete, the most scholarly and acccurate, the 'Federal' edition. Mr. Bigelow was confessedly the foremost authority on Franklin. Beside the material now in print, carefully collated for the present purpose, so far as possible, with the original manuscripts, he has had free use of the supplementary Franklin MSS. purchased by the State Department in 1881, and not published before his work, and the autobiography has been printed for the first time in any collected edition of Franklin's Works, from the original manuscript, which was in Mr. BigeIow's possession. Mr. Bigelow promises upwards of 350 letters and documents which have never appeared in any previous collection, beside a thorough revision of the text throughout, and a new, chronological, arrangement of matter. The notes and other editorial additions are limited strictly to the illustration of the text. This is volume two out of twelve, covering the years 1735 through 1753.
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It is easy to be persuaded that Mr. John Bigelow's edition of 'The Works of Benjamin Franklin' is likely to be the most complete, the most scholarly and acccurate, the 'Federal' edition. Mr. Bigelow was confessedly the foremost authority on Franklin. Beside the material now in print, carefully collated for the present purpose, so far as possible, with the original manuscripts, he has had free use of the supplementary Franklin MSS. purchased by the State Department in 1881, and not published before his work, and the autobiography has been printed for the first time in any collected edition of Franklin's Works, from the original manuscript, which was in Mr. BigeIow's possession. Mr. Bigelow promises upwards of 350 letters and documents which have never appeared in any previous collection, beside a thorough revision of the text throughout, and a new, chronological, arrangement of matter. The notes and other editorial additions are limited strictly to the illustration of the text. This is volume three out of twelve, covering the years 1753 through 1763.
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It is easy to be persuaded that Mr. John Bigelow's edition of 'The Works of Benjamin Franklin' is likely to be the most complete, the most scholarly and acccurate, the 'Federal' edition. Mr. Bigelow was confessedly the foremost authority on Franklin. Beside the material now in print, carefully collated for the present purpose, so far as possible, with the original manuscripts, he has had free use of the supplementary Franklin MSS. purchased by the State Department in 1881, and not published before his work, and the autobiography has been printed for the first time in any collected edition of Franklin's Works, from the original manuscript, which was in Mr. BigeIow's possession. Mr. Bigelow promises upwards of 350 letters and documents which have never appeared in any previous collection, beside a thorough revision of the text throughout, and a new, chronological, arrangement of matter. The notes and other editorial additions are limited strictly to the illustration of the text. This is volume four out of twelve, covering the years 1763 through 1768.
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It is easy to be persuaded that Mr. John Bigelow's edition of 'The Works of Benjamin Franklin' is likely to be the most complete, the most scholarly and acccurate, the 'Federal' edition. Mr. Bigelow was confessedly the foremost authority on Franklin. Beside the material now in print, carefully collated for the present purpose, so far as possible, with the original manuscripts, he has had free use of the supplementary Franklin MSS. purchased by the State Department in 1881, and not published before his work, and the autobiography has been printed for the first time in any collected edition of Franklin's Works, from the original manuscript, which was in Mr. BigeIow's possession. Mr. Bigelow promises upwards of 350 letters and documents which have never appeared in any previous collection, beside a thorough revision of the text throughout, and a new, chronological, arrangement of matter. The notes and other editorial additions are limited strictly to the illustration of the text. This is volume five out of twelve, covering the years 1768 through 1772.
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It is easy to be persuaded that Mr. John Bigelow's edition of 'The Works of Benjamin Franklin' is likely to be the most complete, the most scholarly and acccurate, the 'Federal' edition. Mr. Bigelow was confessedly the foremost authority on Franklin. Beside the material now in print, carefully collated for the present purpose, so far as possible, with the original manuscripts, he has had free use of the supplementary Franklin MSS. purchased by the State Department in 1881, and not published before his work, and the autobiography has been printed for the first time in any collected edition of Franklin's Works, from the original manuscript, which was in Mr. BigeIow's possession. Mr. Bigelow promises upwards of 350 letters and documents which have never appeared in any previous collection, beside a thorough revision of the text throughout, and a new, chronological, arrangement of matter. The notes and other editorial additions are limited strictly to the illustration of the text. This is volume six out of twelve, covering the years 1772 through 1775.
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